Monday, 12 March 2012

Personal Branding Improvements

My work in the last week has concentrated on improving my personal branding image. I have added another colour to my pallet to add a bit more variety. I have changed my icons and my logo as well. I also started to create my website template.

The only thing I changed with the logo was to add a stroke of my new colour, in this case red. I think this improves the aesthetics of the logo. I also changed the colour of the JE in the middle to white. This makes it stand out better on the black background. I am going to use white text on my website and business card so this will maintain the continuity.

I changed the icons. The first thing I did was to give them the same ring logo as my logo. I then proceeded to add some red into them to highlight detail. I think this works nicely apart from the sound design icon which still needs some work. I also added some text to explain what each one is, just incase there is any doubt.

When placing these on my business card idea I was able to see the results. I don't think there being four colours is too much. I decided I want my name and logo to be the main focus, that's why the icons are now smaller.

Combining all of the things i've done so far I was able to come up with a first website template. I have used the new icons and logo for this.

I also traced over a picture of myself to create a silhouette which I have placed at the top. Again it uses the same gold, red combination. This is central because my main skill is sound designing.

The navigation bar on the left shows the buttons and how they will change when hovered over (wings appear). The content will be in the larger box. This box will have a scroll bar within it, meaning the outside of the page will not scroll down. The only thing lacking is maybe my name at the top somewhere, but that will be made clear in the about section.

1 comment:

  1. Love your website design: clean and easy to read! Good work.
