Wednesday 18 April 2012

Update - Week 10

I've neglected my blog here a bit recently, mainly because of the ever increasing workload that gets piled on in the final semester! I have nearly finished my portfolio now and the graphics team are well up to date for the exhibition.

My portfolio is in the form of a dvd case containing inlays showing images and descriptions of my work as well as a disc containing multimedia versions. I have received my business cards through the post and am very pleased with them! I will post a picture of my finished portfolio once I have printed the inlays and my cv and assembled everything together.

The inlays each cover a different subject area and I have written a description about the work on there too. I have changed the logo in the corner on each one to make it personal to that page. 

I have a link to my website on my business cards. I will not have time to get this website up and running until I finish this semester. I will work on it once I have handed my work in.

Graphics team has been working hard over easter to get all the final bits and pieces done. I sorted out the poster designs for the screens around campus.

The designs were adapted from the poster designs that can be seen around campus. They had to be reworked to fit the specifications for the screens.

Today I helped the exhibition team set up the bags of sweets that we will be giving out to guest. It took quite a while, but all the sweets have now been used up!

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