Tuesday, 1 May 2012
Final thoughts on Web Gallery and Exhibition
I just thought I'd sum up the last 15 weeks before I hand my work in.
I've really enjoyed this module on the whole. I remember sitting at Christmas with Steve and Alex reading the module guide and we read about the business cards and started to come up with ideas before the module had even began!
I really enjoyed the personal branding part. I think it was a really useful task that will definitely help me in the future. A lot of the modules here don't seem to focus on things that we can use when we leave, but this one did. I have become a lot better in photoshop in the last 12 weeks and I have proved to myself that I can be creative when I want to be. It was useful to sort out my cv as well as my one before this module was a bit rubbish. It's certainly helped me become more confident in selling myself.
On the most part I enjoyed the exhibition as well. I was really pleased when I saw the other people in graphics team because I was friends with most of them and they were all on my course which meant I saw most of them regularly. I think on the whole we worked well together. I think we did waste a few weeks at the start coming up with different ideas for the same thing, ie we redid the same designs for the posters a few times and it would have helped to just make a decision straight away. Saying that, it did mean everything was well thought out and continuity was the same across all our designs. From my blog it may appear that I didn't have a huge amount of input into the designs. Unfortunately, being a less good designer in the team, I was unable to come up with as good designs as some of the others which meant I didn't get many ideas used. I did do a lot of work for other areas however, including setting up people's boards and reworking posters so that they fit for screen images. I always attended classes and always asked if there was anything I could do for the team.
I think as a class we did quite well. Our team worked well with the exhibition team (in particular Steve and Helen). It did seem that there was often a case of too many conflicting opinions from their group. I think at times someone just needed to put their foot down and make a decision, regardless of what the minority thought. At times it felt like there was opposition to any decision that was made. I suppose this is a problem with any group with lots of people in, but some people vanish as well and become unreliable, especially when they are left with important tasks.
When we were setting up yesterday, the graphics and web teams combined to set up the board stands and boards. This took absolutely ages because they all had to be taped together etc but we all worked hard and we can be pleased with the results. It was a shame that a few people didn't turn up to help but that was expected I suppose! I thought that the exhibition went well last night, it would have been nice to see a few more people there, but those that did come enjoyed themselves and stayed for most of the time. The lecturers I spoke to (Phil, Tom, Richard, Tony) said they were impressed compared to other years so that's a good sign! My only gripe about the exhibition is the scheduling, the rota listed me all day for Tuesday which means I've been there all day for the last two days and I'm now incredibly tired!
All in all i've enjoyed this module lots, I've worked hard and put in a lot of hours for both my personal branding and the exhibition. It was good to see how we all worked as a team to pull this exhibition together as well and I think we can all be proud of it. Thank you very much for your support and guidance throughout this module and in the last three years. It doesn't seem like nearly three years since we were starting out with Design Principles!
Our Exhibition
Yesterday was the opening day of the exhibition. I got to uni at 9 o clock to help start setting up. It took quite a while but it was well worth the long day as I think the exhibition went well.
We had to decide how to connect the boards together. We decided the best way was to group the work together. The boards were connected using metal connectors as well as tape inside. The tape was visible from a distance (in the areas where there was less light). However, it needed to be there because the boards were far less stable without them. Nobody seemed to notice anyway!
We set up the boards before putting putting our work onto them. The designs were printed in such a way that they flow together.
Here is my board with my business cards.
I also helped to stick the pacmen on the floor around the exhibition. These were used to add to the theme and to help guide people around.
The exhibition went well I thought, it was a bit disappointing that we didn't get more people to come, especially industry representatives, but those who came seemed to enjoy themselves and stayed for most of the evening. I'm currently sitting up there writing this blog post, looking after the sweets and comics!
Monday, 23 April 2012
My Portfolio
Here are some images of my portfolio. The only thing missing now is the DVD. I can't get this ready yet because i'm waiting to finish another assignment before I can put that video on there!
This picture shows my complete portfolio containing my cv, my business card, my dvd case design and my inlays for the dvd case.
This image shows how the cv folds into the dvd case. I have placed the cv on top to stop the case damaging the inlays because the middle part of the case can catch the edges when it is closed/opened.
I am really pleased with how my different components link together. My cv has the reverse colours to my dvd case. This makes both stand out individually whilst still continuing the branding.
I have made six inlays for inside the dvd case. They each cover a different work topic. Four relate to the icons that I have made (the icon can be seen in the bottom left corner). One inlay showcases some other work and the final one shows a template of me along with my name. I am really pleased with them, it has taken a lot of work in photoshop. They are all printed on photo paper.
The final image shows my business card. Again I am really pleased with it. All in all I think the work i've put into my personal branding has paid off. I didn't think i'd be able to create something that i'd be really pleased with but I have. I have vastly improved my Photoshop skills during this module so that is another huge positive to take away from it. I think my personal branding will set me up nicely for finding a pathway into a career, so for that I am very grateful for being given the chance to do this at university :)
Wednesday, 18 April 2012
Update - Week 10
I've neglected my blog here a bit recently, mainly because of the ever increasing workload that gets piled on in the final semester! I have nearly finished my portfolio now and the graphics team are well up to date for the exhibition.
My portfolio is in the form of a dvd case containing inlays showing images and descriptions of my work as well as a disc containing multimedia versions. I have received my business cards through the post and am very pleased with them! I will post a picture of my finished portfolio once I have printed the inlays and my cv and assembled everything together.
The inlays each cover a different subject area and I have written a description about the work on there too. I have changed the logo in the corner on each one to make it personal to that page.
I have a link to my website on my business cards. I will not have time to get this website up and running until I finish this semester. I will work on it once I have handed my work in.
Graphics team has been working hard over easter to get all the final bits and pieces done. I sorted out the poster designs for the screens around campus.
The designs were adapted from the poster designs that can be seen around campus. They had to be reworked to fit the specifications for the screens.
Today I helped the exhibition team set up the bags of sweets that we will be giving out to guest. It took quite a while, but all the sweets have now been used up!
Friday, 30 March 2012
Personal Branding Final
Here is my final personal branding.
I really like my business card. I think the work that I've put into it has paid off. I must have revised and redrafted my icons about 6 times in the end. I'm still not quite happy with the sound icon but I've run out of time to keep changing it now as I must prioritise my work with only a few weeks to go. I have spent time lining everything up and ensuring the positioning is good.
Here is my CV. I decided the photoshop versions I did a long time ago were a bit wasteful. Also they didn't enable me to put much text into them, so I went for a more traditional MS Word version. I have still sectioned off each part using a line (the blacked out text at top is hidden on this blog). I have kept the colour scheme the same. I think my icons and logo add in a nice design aspect that will help it to stand out when people read it. It's just a shame that the Employment section is so empty but that's what happens when you're starting out!
Here is my new version of my DVD cover. I've lined everything up across the front, back and spine. After doing a test print yesterday I found out that the template I had been using was wrong. I therefore decided to create each section manually in separate Photoshop documents before bringing them all together. I changed the layout of my icons, running them horizontally along the bottom of the front cover. This cover has the same branding as my business card and a similar design to my website when that is put online. I may change the spine to be black as well, but for test print purposes I need to distinguish where it is so I can see if it folds in the correct place when put onto the DVD case.
Wednesday, 28 March 2012
DVD Portfolio
I have spent some more time thinkig about my idea for a DVD portfolio. These are the dimensions of a dvd case.
I have been researching into getting the DVD case and inlay processed for me elsewhere but it seems to be pricey everywhere. Another drawback is that the DVDs seem to only be offered in batch starting at 500. I only need a a few copies of my portfolio so it would be cheaper for me to process it myself.
My next step is to do some test printing and ensure I am using the right sizes. I may complete the inlay using a series of high quality pieces of paper with my work images on.
My work towards the exhibition for this week has been to help get the boards ready. Now a final design has been chosen we need to put everyone's work on their board. It is quite a time consuming process because continuity needs to be the same across all boards. This means we have strict rules to stick to when it comes to positioning and font sizes.
Everyone has different images and there are four possible combinations of board layout.
3 Landscape
2 Landscape, 1 Portrait
2 Portrait, 1 Landscape
3 Portrait
The most common board layout is 2 Landscape, 1 Portrait.
Here is an example of a board that has been completed. In this case we had to stretch the top image because it is a one off panoramic image.
Tuesday, 13 March 2012
Portfolio Idea 1
Here is my first portfolio idea. I decided to use the theme of a dvd case containing a dvd that would showcase some of my work. This means that the details can be enclosed on the case. I will place my cv bio on the back of the case (once it is complete and not rubbish!).
I have placed my logo and icons at different points on the case to hammer home my personal branding.
I am aware that carrying a dvd case into a job interview isn't necessarily a realistic proposition. The employer would be unlikely to have a dvd player on hand to watch work straight up and it would waste time in the interview. However, this could be a good option to send off work through the post to potential employers.
Monday, 12 March 2012
Personal Branding Improvements
My work in the last week has concentrated on improving my personal branding image. I have added another colour to my pallet to add a bit more variety. I have changed my icons and my logo as well. I also started to create my website template.
The only thing I changed with the logo was to add a stroke of my new colour, in this case red. I think this improves the aesthetics of the logo. I also changed the colour of the JE in the middle to white. This makes it stand out better on the black background. I am going to use white text on my website and business card so this will maintain the continuity.
I changed the icons. The first thing I did was to give them the same ring logo as my logo. I then proceeded to add some red into them to highlight detail. I think this works nicely apart from the sound design icon which still needs some work. I also added some text to explain what each one is, just incase there is any doubt.
When placing these on my business card idea I was able to see the results. I don't think there being four colours is too much. I decided I want my name and logo to be the main focus, that's why the icons are now smaller.
Combining all of the things i've done so far I was able to come up with a first website template. I have used the new icons and logo for this.
I also traced over a picture of myself to create a silhouette which I have placed at the top. Again it uses the same gold, red combination. This is central because my main skill is sound designing.
The navigation bar on the left shows the buttons and how they will change when hovered over (wings appear). The content will be in the larger box. This box will have a scroll bar within it, meaning the outside of the page will not scroll down. The only thing lacking is maybe my name at the top somewhere, but that will be made clear in the about section.
Friday, 2 March 2012
Final Work
Here are the images that will be used for me during the exhibition. They are now edited to be at the correct resolution. I selected a still shot from my animation last year as my final piece. I have also edited the City Storm title page to be A4 size. It looks better this way.
Business Card Edit
Here is the near final version of my business card. I have adjusted the icons to make them a bit less dull and boring. I have also changed the positioning of the text and images to make them line up properly.
My next step will be to create my cv using this theme along with my website.
It was also observed thismorning that my logo looks similar to the Chinese word æ£.
According to my research online, æ£, or 'zheng' means a number of things depending on the context.
These are all positive words, which is a very good thing. In particular, the words proper, pure, honest and rich would be good associations to have.
It may be a coincidence and the logo wasn't designed to represent this word, but it's interesting none the less!
Thursday, 1 March 2012
Business Card Idea 3
Here is my third business card idea, incorporating my logo. I have decided to make the icons less prominent. I have also scrapped the blue and gone with gold, which is the colour of my logo. This means my three colours are black, white and gold.
According to http://crystal-cure.com/gold.html, gold has a few meanings.
Color Gold |
It is no surprise that gold symbolizes wealth used wisely, but it is also the symbol of good health. People who favor the color gold are optimistic.
Gold Energy
The tibetan Buddhist believes in 5 sacred stones: the crystal for light, turquoise for infinity of sea and sky, coral for life and form, gold for the golden ray of the sun, silver for the light of the moon. Gold is intimately linked with Divinity and those gods associated with the Sun. It symbolizes wealth and success.
Put some gold in your life when you want:
Wearing Gold
Wearing gold in everyday life increases personal power, and promotes courage, confidence and willpower. Gold chains worn around the neck preserve health.
I have removed the (blue) ring around the icons and it looks much better. I still think there may be some placement and alignment issues between the four items on the card. I also need to decide whether the two gold bars surrounding my name should stay or not.
I have also began to stylized my website to contain this theme.
Wednesday, 29 February 2012
Invitation Idea
I also designed a version of an invitation. I chose to use a polaroid style.
I was quite pleased with this invitation idea. I liked the idea of using where, when and why to answer the simple questions that people could ask when they picked up the invitation.
Within our group we will come up with a number of invitation and flyer ideas, so we will take the best bits from each idea.
Website Design
Our individual group task for this week was to come up with some graphics for the website. I came up with a header idea.
We decided last week that the name of the Exhibition will be 'Retro Resolution'. This means that I we were able to start designing different ways of representing that.
We also decided that we will use bright colours combined with black backgrounds.
Visit to ICT Services
I went along with Steve the other day to visit ICT Services. They said that they would be able to lend us equipment such as projectors and headphones. We need to establish within the class who will need headphones and who will need the projector.
There is some debate between those of us displaying sound, as they were created with images. Some of us will hapily display the sound without the images but some may want the images too. We will have to think of a solution to this.
The one thing that ICT services couldn't lend us was a laptop. We will therefore have to come up with our own laptop to display the media. If we wanted a seperate area for sound and video, we would need two laptops.
Tuesday, 28 February 2012
Plastic and Transparent Cards
I have researcherd into different prices for using alternate materials on business card. I have looked at a few examples of sites that sell them. These are the prices I found.
The prices vary but so does the quality. By looking at examples on the sites, the top set is definitely the card design I would want to go with but it is fairly expensive. The second appears cheap at first, until you consider that the price is increased by £50 every time a colour is added. My previous design has 4 colours, so I would be looking at £204 for 100 cards. The final site appears the cheapest by a long way, offering 250 cards for £80. I would need to see some more examples of these cards, but this one may be the best option if my design is good enough.
Logo Complete?
Here is my first draft of my logo. I am very pleased with it. I have added in eagle wings round the side using illustrator.
Monday, 27 February 2012
Logo Ideas
I have been thinking about coming up with a logo for myself. After doing some drawing I decided I would try to combine my two initials together to make a unique shape.
I came up with the idea of combining J and E and using the same spine for both letters. My two results are as follows.
Personally, I prefer the first logo. Although the second captures the curve of the J better, I think the first is smarter and looks more professional. These are only temporary colours at the moment, I will change the colours when I have decided on them.
Sunday, 26 February 2012
CV Ideas
I have come up with a possible CV idea this weekend. I have not had a chance to revise my icons yet so I am just using the old ones for this draft. I have two possible ways of conveying information, but the second would require 2 pages which can be awkward.
This idea was to put the different sections in boxes. For this idea I have stuck to the black and white colour scheme that I used in my last business card idea and the icons at the top display the key skills.
The problem with this idea is that all the boxes need to be the same size. Some sections will be shorter so this would look strange if certain boxes are more empty.
This is the second idea that will span more than one page. However, the boxes can be as long as they need to be before they are cut off. This approach is neater in my opinion.
Wednesday, 22 February 2012
My Bio
This is a rough bio for the website or my cv. I will change this later on when I find out how long our bio is actually meant to be on website/exhibition boards.
Hello there, I'm Jack.
I came to university to broaden my skills within the subject of Multimedia and to learn how to do new things. I enjoyed school for seven years and came away with 11 GCSEs and 4 A Levels. I have always been hard working and able to meet deadlines.
I enjoy a range of different work types, whether it be from sound designing or photography, web design or film-making, I do my best to find a way to adapt and produce the work that is required.
I am competent in a range of different software including Microsoft Office, Adobe Creative Suite, Logic Pro and 3ds Max. I am also always willing to learn how to do new things and improve my knowledge of different software.
There are many different interests that I have including music, sport, video games and comedy. I play the guitar and have a huge interest in both listening to music, going to live events and playing it myself. I am an avid watcher of both football and cricket and do my best to watch Essex play every year at home.
Friday, 17 February 2012
1980s Colours
Now we have decided on our theme we can get working properly towards the exhibition. To start with I have had a research into the different colours. We have decided as a group to do a 'Retro' exhibition, based mainly on the 1980s. I had a scan of the Internet to find some common colours.
It was a very bright time, lots of colour and exuberance. We will certainly have to consider this when designing the invitations, flyers, posters etc. We will need to be careful with this colour though, because we do not want it to distract people from the most important thing, which is our work.
A reallyu good idea was raised during the theme presentations and it was suggested that everyone has their own small avatar to help represent their work. This would be very useful, as people can identify someone with a small cartoon more easily than with a word. This wouls also be very useful because some of us will have work that is being displayed away from our individual boards, such as sound and video work. This icon will be very useful to help identify those people.
I was having a look on the Internet and I stumbled upon these images. It seems too good to be true... as there are 20 of us! I'm sure we will use some other characters such as Sonic too.
Business Card Idea 2 - Icons
I have put together a business card design with my new thoughts and ideas. I currently have two colour schemes but am trying to come up with more. I have also had a think about different fonts, I want a smart font that fits in with the theme. I am going to try to download some new fonts for my next idea.
My first idea was this one. I liked the idea of a strip in the middle containing the icons. After thinking about this more though I have decided that the blue is too harsh compared to the black and the contrast is a bit overpowering. I have left space in the top right hand corner incase I develop a logo.
Next, I developed the idea of putting the icons in rings. I still used blue, but a softer blue in this case. This one works better than the previous one, it is more plesant to look at and the icons are more easy to see against the white strip.
Finally I switched the colours. I swapped the black and white. Again this is quite effective as it draws attention towards the middle. Using the rings around the icons means they stand out nicely.
I am far more pleased with this idea than I was with the previous one a few weeks back. I need to develop a logo and to try out some new fonts. I may also edit the icons slightly as there are some imperfections, including the web logo and the sound design one.
Business Card Iconography
I have created some of my own icons that I could potentially use for my business card. I took inspiration from the previous research I conducted.
This is the image of multimedia I gathered beforehand. I particularly liked the images in the bottom right hand corner as they were simple and conveyed a visual message as to what they represent. I decided I want this business card idea to represent four topic areas that I am interested in.
- Sound Design
- Photography
- Film Making
- Web Design
I will need to consider the colour of the text on the web icon. It needs to stand out enough to be readable. I may also need to reconsider the sound design icon to maybe include a pair of headphones or something that will ensure the message is clearer.
Thursday, 16 February 2012
Analysing my Adjectives
After looking at the images that I either drew myself or used to represent my adjectives, I am now going to have a look at the colours used and apply some of the colour research to them. This will help me choose my colours for my CV and Business card.
The main colours I used were black, white and grey. There was also splashes of colour in some of them, such as yellow and green. This indicates that I like contrasting colours, in particular black and white.
Going back to my previous research, I found out that black symbolises power, sophistication and elegance. However it can connotate death, darkness and the unknown. White, on the other hand, connotates cleanliness, purity, innocence and safety. It can symbolise coldness and winter too.
One of my favourite colours is blue. This is considered a calming colour, associated with experience and stability. However it can symbolise coldness and depression.
This means my next business card design will contain black and white as its main colours. I may use a splash of another colour if needed to make something stand out. My next idea will use the icons that I have made, similar to those found in my previous research blog post.
Wednesday, 15 February 2012
Adjectives and Thoughts
Here is the list of adjectives that I have come up with towards my portfolio. I need to think about myself before I can design a proper cv and business card that are suitable for me. The colour research
that I have carried out previously to this will be very useful here.
I am Friendly
I am Loyal
I am Organised
· I am Punctual
I am able to meet deadlines
I enjoy playing Guitar
I am Interested in technology
I can use different software
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