Tuesday, 28 February 2012

Plastic and Transparent Cards

I have researcherd into different prices for using alternate materials on business card. I have looked at a few examples of sites that sell them. These are the prices I found.




The prices vary but so does the quality. By looking at examples on the sites, the top set is definitely the card design I would want to go with but it is fairly expensive. The second appears cheap at first, until you consider that the price is increased by £50 every time a colour is added. My previous design has 4 colours, so I would be looking at £204 for 100 cards. The final site appears the cheapest by a long way, offering 250 cards for £80. I would need to see some more examples of these cards, but this one may be the best option if my design is good enough.

1 comment:

  1. The plastics are the call of the day and most of the people like to have them because of their durability and long lasting nature.

    Plastic Cards
    Plastic Cards
