Tuesday, 14 February 2012

Work to Display

I have been considering which work to display on exhibition week. Two pieces are for definite but the final piece is a bit trickier to decide.

Piece one: Advanced Sound Techniques - City Storm

This is a potential title page for the sound piece. I know some other students are considering displaying sound work as well, so we would need to consider displaying them all in the same place in the exhibition. We would need to find an icon that would identify the work as sound, an example could be the headphones at the top of this title page. This page was themed specially for my sound work using noise and motion blur in Photoshop.

Piece two: Digital Imaging Software - Photography - Guitar

This is one of my favourite photographs from the module last year. This also fits in well with my seemingly apparent 'sound and music' that seems to find its way into my work! This could be displayed just on the poster itself, the camera that the photo was taken on was of a high enough resolution that it can be printed off A4 no problem.

Piece Three - Photograph or other work?

I have a decision to make with my final piece. I could use another photograph but am reluctant to do so as I am already using one. I need to have another look back through my work and try to find something different, otherwise I will have to use two photographs for the exhibition.

1 comment:

  1. I would also have second thoughts about using two photographs. Remember this is to sell your work and your knowledge so it would be more useful to present more varied work.
