Thursday 16 February 2012

Analysing my Adjectives

After looking at the images that I either drew myself or used to represent my adjectives, I am now going to have a look at the colours used and apply some of the colour research to them. This will help me choose my colours for my CV and Business card.

The main colours I used were black, white and grey. There was also splashes of colour in some of them, such as yellow and green. This indicates that I like contrasting colours, in particular black and white.

Going back to my previous research, I found out that black symbolises power, sophistication and elegance. However it can connotate death, darkness and the unknown. White, on the other hand, connotates cleanliness, purity, innocence and safety. It can symbolise coldness and winter too.

One of my favourite colours is blue. This is considered a calming colour, associated with experience and stability. However it can symbolise coldness and depression.

This means my next business card design will contain black and white as its main colours. I may use a splash of another colour if needed to make something stand out. My next idea will use the icons that I have made, similar to those found in my previous research blog post.

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